Historic Church Abuse

Historic church abuse. If you have been the victim of a sexual assault or abuse either recently or historically by a member of the clergy, a church or religious order then you may be entitled to claim compensation and damages for the physical and mental injuries as well as any financial losses you may have sustained as a result of the abuse.

In recent years it has come to light that the incidents of abuse within the church were extensive and far-reaching.  With courage and assistance from appropriate organisations the survivors of such abuse are able to come forward and name their abusers and claim the compensation that they deserve.

We know that money can never undo the hurt and harm caused by this abuse of trust however it can help the victims and survivors to move forward, to retrain if need be, and to care for their loved ones.

Claiming for historic church abuse

The church, like any other employer, is vicariously liable for the negligent actions of its staff.  Basically, this means that the church will be held accountable in law and required to pay compensation for the negligent and deliberate acts of abuse carried out by those in its employment.   Employment does not necessarily mean that the abuser must be paid a wage.  Volunteers who are associated with the church and whose positions are recognised by the church are classed as employees for such situations.

We will help you recover compensation not only for the physical and mental injuries but also any financial losses that have resulted.  If the abuse is of a historic nature it may be that you have had a disruptive working career with low or minimal employment resulting in years and years of wasted and lost income. We can help recover this.

It may be that you would benefit from treatment that is not available on the NHS.  We will help recover for you the cost of such treatment to assist with your recovery.

Basically, we would look to recover all or any losses that have arisen as a result of the abuse.

To find out how we can help you claim the compensation you deserve get in touch with us today.

  • call our team on 0113 244 0597, we will listen with complete confidentiality and give you the best advice as regards the strength of your claim and how much you may be awarded. We will answer all your questions so that you can decide whether you want to proceed with your application to the CICA or a civil claim either against your attacker or, if possible, against their employer. If you do; we are here for you and we can help.
  • email us your contact details with as much information as you want to give us and we will call or email you; just let us know what works best for you.
  • Email us at : [email protected].

Your claim can be dealt with on a No Win-No Fee basis so you don’t have to worry about the cost of bringing your claim.

For the Quality Legal Service You Deserve

Historic church abuse